My Top 7 Movie Recommendations

With my city back on a stay-at-home order, I’ve been watching even more movies than routine. Continuing to do spreads in my film journal as I go, which is one of my favorite parts of watching movies because it allows me to research the film’s soundtrack, cast, awards, director, etc.  1) Call Me by Your […]

Things to do while social distancing

Coronavirus has taken over the globe and health experts are advising social distancing to avoid contracting the virus and spreading it to others. Being quarantined in your house can be fairly boring so here are some things I’ve been doing to pass the time. Redecorate Rather it’s just moving around some furniture or completely redecorating […]

This Years Fall Fashion Trends

With the leaves changing colors, the temperatures dropping, and Thanksgiving right around the corner, I’m sharing with you what’s trending this fall. Black High Top Converses High Tops have always been a shoe that goes with any outfit but this fall/winter especially black high top converse have been in full force with every outfit. These […]

30+ Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas has officially begun, which means that its time to pick out your gifts, so if you’re stuck on what to buy here are some ideas. 1.) Mini Fjallraven Kanken  I use my mini kanken every day! It’s the perfect day bag and it may be small but it holds everything. I know they can be […]

Summer Life Hacks

Since it’s summer your routine is pretty altered, so here are some life improving life hacks. When your about to get out of the shower, turn the water to cold this will soften your hair and minimize your pores. Stretch for 5 minuets before going to bed. Your muscles will relax and it’ll be easier […]