August is a happening month to travel, rather it’s a road trip or an international flight, climate change and weather can be quite difficult so here’s your ultimate packing list. 

The Unlimited Packing Guide to Hawaii: (for about a week-long vacay)


3-4  Swimsuits: When I went to Hawaii this amount of swimsuits lasted me the whole trip. You can easily dry them if you want to bring less for a lighter luggage. 

3 pairs of shorts: Hawaii is always very humid so shorts are great for walking around, hiking, etc. 

3-4 tops: I recommend 2 tanks and 2 short sleeves for the summer months, if you are going in the winter months you should maybe bring a long sleeve because you never know when it’s gonna rain.

4 dresses: personally dresses are a must for Hawaii, they’re great to wear in the heat, excellent for beach coverups, and amazing for fancier dinners. 

a skirt: for more of a dressier outfit and great for the heat.

1-2 workout outfits for hikes 

a pair of tennis shoes, sandals, and flip flops 

6-7 undergarments

light jacket: I totally recommend bringing a jacket, Hawaiin weather is crazy one day its warm and one day it’s cold and rainy.



a handbag or backpack: I prefer bringing my kanken mini for travel if you are looking into buying one I definitely recommend. 


A GoPro: Amazing for photos and videos while surfing, canoeing, zip lining, etc. 

Sunscreen: This is the number one thing you need while in Hawaii. I really recommend the brand Sun Bum they make incredible products, they’re local, and I’ve never been burnt while wearing their product.

Turkish Towel they’re very lightweight yet they work phenomenally 

Waterproof Phone Case: They keep the water off your phone for using it in the water, personally, I always put my phone in it so that it never gets ruined. 

Mosquito Repellent Bracelets: Mosquito bracelets are all natural, citronella scented bracelets that repel mosquitos. Let me tell you they’re a must when in Hawaii. 

Water Bottle: It’s important to stay hydrated especially on hikes and other activities. I have a hydro flask and its the absolute best, it keeps your water so cold.

I assume that since your reading this you either are leaving to Hawaii soon or your dreaming of going to Hawaii. Anyways thanks for reading this, have an amazing time on your trip to Hawaii or just keeping dreaming you’ll get there someday. Anything you want to show me tag me on Instagram @fluentinfashions. xoxo, Lexi!