Is your closet a mess, can you find what you want to wear, are your clothes everywhere? It’s okay, to be honest almost everyone has a messy closet. You won’t have to deal with those messy closets anymore, because of these amazing closet life hacks!

Can’t find the shirt you want?

Simply fold your shirts and face them upwards so they look like this!

Look how organized, don’t you want your shirts to look like this? 

Can’t find the piece you want for your outfit?

All you have to do for this hack is download the app Stylebook or take pictures of some of your favorite clothes and create looks out of them. That way you can just look at your app or pictures and see what pieces you may need for that look.

Color Coordinating helps you find your clothes 10 times faster and it looks adorable in your closet!

Easy D.I.Y Scent Booster!

Supplies Needed: Jewelry Bags and Downey Scent Booster, pour your Downey Scent Booster into your jewelry bags tie them up and place them in your drawers and your clothes will smell amazing!

Do your fancy clothes fade? All you have to do is keep them out of the sun.

Do your tall boots fall down when in your closet? All you have to do is stuff them with newspaper or you can cut up a pool noodle and put part of it into your boots.

I hope you can use these hacks to help you out and to help your closet out! Remember to subscribe and comment who you’re rooting for in the Superbowl! xoxo Lexi