So it’s festival season, which means a world of d.i.ys and upcycling!!! So I’m gonna teach you how to upcycle an old jean jacket.

First, I went to a thrift store and looked through my closet for old denim jackets that don’t fit.

Okay, so I started with a basic denim jacket like this

Than we went to a local fabric store and picked up some fabric.

We started by tracing the middle panel on to some parchment paper. We than pinned the parchment cut out to the fabric and cut the fabric down to size.

From here we pinned the fabric to the jacket like this 

Than we sewed the fabric to the middle panel, you could totally hot glue or fabric glue it on though to. 

So festively are normally in the desert (Coachella, Burning man, Lollapalooza, etc) which means it can get pretty hot so I cut of the sleeves to make a denim vest

Than I added some pins

And this is the final result 

I hope you all have an amazing festive season, comment down below what festivals your going to. If you try out this upcycling trend tag me on Instagram @fluentinfashions, xoxo Lexi.