Since most people have already started school I decided to due a blog on my must haves for back to school.

An Agenda

Agendas are a necessity for staying organized and on top of everything this school year. I think it’s very important to turn in all of your homework on time and to know when all of the tests are so you have plenty of time to study.

You can get this agenda fromĀ 

A Water Bottle

Water is always important especially when your in class, it’s actually a proven fact that if you have a sip of water during a presentation that you’ll calm down a little. Plus it get’s your brain flowing and pumping when there’s water in your system.

You can get this adorable water bottle from Nemius Marcus.

A Sweater

Classrooms are always really cold and a lot of the time it’s hard to concentrate when your freezing so it’s important to bring a jacket or a sweater. Just throw one in your backpack or tie a flannel around your waist that was your prepared if it’s freezing.

You can get this cute and cozy sweater from Forever 21.

An Emergency Kit

Carry what ever little essentials you may need in a small bag. Carry items like a hand sanitizer, hair ties, bobby pins, a tide stick, etc. Just put it in your bag and I guarantee that you’ll pull something out of the bag at least once this school year.

This makeup bag for your emergency kit is from Socitey6.

Hopefully this blog prepared you for school. Remember to subscribe and comment when you go back to school down below. See you next week for another blog!