Since school has already begun, unfortunately, the homework and exams have too. So I’m gonna share with you some of my favorite tips and tricks.

  1. Have a color coordinated system. To be successful in school the most important thing is to be organized and color coordination is a great way to do that. For example, in my agenda, if its highlighted orange its due, yellow is due this week, pink is for stuff that’s due next week, and blue is for stuff that I’ve got plenty of time to do. But there are good systems for notes as well like orange is important dates, yellow is quotes, pink is titles and topics, and blue is other important stuff.
  2. Type your notes.  Ask your teachers first if you can take type your notes and if you want you can write them out later, this way its easier to study, take notes, and you can type much faster without your hand cramping.
  3. Listen to instrumental music when you study. Now, this doesn’t work for some people but if you’ve trouble focusing you should totally try this out.
  4. Another very important step to staying organized is to have a clean study space; this way you can focus easier, you won’t be as stressed, and you can work more effectively.
  5. I use an app called Forest to help me stay focused and stay off my phone while studying. The point of the app is to plant a tree you can plant anything from 10 to 120 minutes and if you leave the app your tree dies, it may sound silly but it really motivates you to stay focused and off your phone.
  6. I always find that it’s much easier to stay focused on long study sessions if you’re active before so that your blood’s pumping you can dance, go for a run, or even just stretch.
  7. Give yourself study breaks for example 30 minutes of focused studying and then a 5-minute break.
  8. Meditate. I’ve been meditating for a while now using the free app headspace I totally recommend trying it out it’s super great to clear your mind and just help you relax.
  9. Dress the part. Sure wearing sweatpants is great but you also feel super comfortable causing you to be lazy and unproductive. Just little things like doing your hair, putting together an outfit, or wearing jewelry can all make you feel more productive.